Animal Crossing (DS and Gamecube)

My kids LOVE Animal Crossing. They both have their towns and houses and are constantly redecorating and remodeling, buying and selling stuff, and basically living completely virtual lives as bizarre Japanese animated characters.
They still play on the Gamecube, but they got Nintendo DS systems for Christmas and the game is even cooler on that platform. With the wireless connectivity, they can visit each other in their towns at the same time.
My son has figured out that he can collect cherries in my daughter's town where they're plentiful, then bring them back to his town where they're scarce and sell them for a bunch of money ("bells"). My daughter read somewhere that if you set up your house according to Feng Shui principles your character is "luckier" in their day to day explorations. Unreal.
I am amazed at how rich these virtual worlds have become. They even match the seasons with the real seasons here at home (except they get snow when all we ever get is rain). There is just no end to the depth. Totally cool. Someday when I'm retired perhaps I'll join a virtual world and never come out.
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