Singing in the Rain

So I'm sorry, but there really is just no better movie than Singing in the Rain. If I had to pick my favorite overall screen couple it would have to be Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers, but for this one show Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds get the prize. Throw in Donald O'Connor and, well, yowza.
We had the opportunity to see a great version of the story done at the 5th Avenue Theater in Seattle, and it was quite an experience. They actually dumped something like a gazillion gallons of water onto the stage during the big song, with some ingenious apparatus that collected it (and mostly shielded the orechestra from the spray!). But I still come back to the movie for some of the best song and dance execution ever.
Anyways, if you haven't seen it, you're pretty much leading a deprived life. Rent or buy it as soon as possible. Unless you don't like musicals, but c'mon, who except brooding surly teenagers can really turn down a great musical?
You can get a guaranteed laugh in our house any time by shaking your head back and forth saying "yes, yes, yes!" or giving even a semi-passable screeching version of "and I caaaaayn't stand it!"
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