
A year or so ago my son decided he wanted to play the guitar. He currently plays a 3/4 size electric guitar and a baritone ukelele, taking lessons from two (very different) teachers.
Anyways, when we bought him his uke stuff I thought it would be fun to get one of the small, traditional soprano ukes. I don't play much or well, just a few chords here and there. But it sure is a lot of fun and was really easy to get started with.
I used to play the saxophone quite a bit in jazz bands --- I still have my Selmer Mark 6 downstairs in the closet. But today I just like to keep a few instruments around that I can noodle on while code compiles. My favorites are the uke, my penny whistle and my ocarina.
Sure is cute watching my kid jamming away to Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day. He's quite the rock and roll stud.
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