Tom's of Maine Toothpaste

Back to the personal care aisle. I guess I've been using Tom's stuff for eight or nine years now. The interesting thing about Tom's toothpaste is how un-sweet it is. When you first use it, it tastes just weird. What I learned is that "normal" toothpaste is about a zillion times sweeter than almost anything else we put in our mouths --- even the "minty super winter freshmaker" toothpastes they advertise on TV. If you use Tom's for awhile and then go back, it is an incredible jolt. That stuff is nasty.
They have all the permutations: flouride or no, whitening, baking soda, tartar control, you name it. I don't really have a favorite; although there is something exotic about using toothpaste with Myrrh in it --- wasn't that one of the wise mens' gifts to Jesus? He totally would have used Tom's.
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