Islands Magazine

My son's school is always hitting us up for money --- most recently they were guilting us into getting a bunch of magazine subscriptions we didn't need. However, among the bunch we got there was one real jewel: Islands.
At some level this magazine looks the same every time it shows up: cover showing a perfect tropical beach with a lagoon in an over-the-top beautiful shade of blue. Lead article about "secret" island getaways that "nobody" has heard of yet. Lots of ads with tag lines like "Close to Home. Far from expected." But man, I love reading it, every issue, just the same.
I've been to Hawaii all of once (unreal). I went to Guadeloupe when I was a kid (very cool). But really, I'm more of an island dreamer than a doer at this point in my life. Two of my favorite books hands down are "An Island to Oneself" by Tom Neale and "Castaway in Paradise" by James Simmons. One day I'll rent that house on Rarotonga --- honest!
Until then, I'll sit on my couch while it freaking pours rain outside, turn up the thermostat and read my copy of Islands. Almost as good as being there --- sort of.
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